Building Back Better Post COVID – 19 (BBBC)


Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)


No Partners


9 Months


33.560 USD​


On Going

In response to Jordan Energy Sector strategy plan for 2020-2030 that aims to distribute companies smart metering gradual transition by targeting 30% transition by 2020,30 % by 2021 and 40 % 2020 and as part of EDAMA’s policy advocacy Agenda. this project will promote potential business for its members by conducting advocacy efforts to standardize the smart meters that would support the renewable energy transition and open the door for Grid Innovative solutions that could be achieved post-Smart Metering Transition, such as storage batteries before meters, Smart Grids, etc. This phase aims to broaden support and influence decision-makers to adopt the recommendations put forth in the policy paper. CIPE will provide training and technical assistance to EDAMA staff on effective stakeholder and member engagement and support the creation of a communications plan.
