Recognition Schemes

Eco-Schools Program

Eco-Schools is one of the largest global sustainable schools programme – it starts in the classroom and expands to the community by engaging the next generation in action-based learning.

It is the international award for sustainable schools, aims at a structural sustainable change within the participating schools. The focus is on a positive change of behavior (of students, staff, parents and others) and to secure the embedding of sustainability in the curriculum.

The award is recognized by the United Nations and presented as an excellent educational example in the evaluation of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development in Japan 2015.Eco-Schools is implemented in 73 countries by FEE member organizations and in 26 countries through International Schools.

The programme’s greatest achievement is arguably the fact that it produces generation after generation of sustainably minded, environmentally conscious people.

These individuals will carry the behavioural patterns they uptake under the auspices of Eco-Schools with them through life, in turn teaching the next generation the habits to make a difference.

Eco-Schools program, who issues Green Flag certification, is one of the five programs of FEE-international implemented Over 51.000 schools in 64 countries are running the Eco-Schools program. In Jordan, the Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan is the national operator.

How Eco-schools Works

The Eco-Schools programme consists of three structural elements – The Seven Steps Framework, the Eco-Schools Themes, and Assessment for the Green Flag. To be successful the programme requires support from school leaders and the Board. Active involvement of staff is imperative as well as long-term commitment and the willingness to involve students in decision-making.

Why Eco-Schools

– Be part of a global movement, Eco-Schools is the world’s largest quality mark for sustainability at school. By participating, your students are part of a sustainable movement among 68 countries. No fewer than 51,000 schools and 19 million pupils worldwide participate!

– Encourage students to think and act sustainably, With Eco-Schools, students are at the helm of sustainable changes within the school: ‘student led change’. Together with a few adults, they form an Eco-team and investigate the school based on a sustainability scan. They then set goals and work on various actions to make people’s behavior, the curriculum, and the school environment more sustainable, you not only stimulate students to think and act sustainably, but also let them experience what they can contribute as individuals to a sustainable future.

– Profile yourself as a sustainable school, By participating in Eco-Schools you qualify for the international quality mark for sustainable schools: the Green Flag. This is the way to show as a school that you think it is important to work on sustainability. The quality mark is recognized by the United Nations and is used worldwide. You can only receive this quality mark by participating in Eco-Schools.

– Save money and water / energy / waste: In addition to the sustainable change among students, the school itself is also changing. With Eco-Schools you realize major savings on the themes you are working on, for example less energy, waste, or water. Research shows that no less than 98% of the participating schools see the school becoming more sustainable. In addition to good results in substantive savings, you also realize financial savings with Eco-Schools.
– Go for sustainable education, curriculum and school environment, A transition in education is necessary when working on a sustainable world. Especially in education (curriculum), in the actions of the teachers and the physical environment. This is also called the ‘Whole school approach’. Eco-Schools fits in seamlessly with this. With the help of the steps you make education, the organization, and the environment of the school more sustainable.

How to Apply

Do you want to register your school for Eco-Schools and get Green Flag certification? please contact the royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (, or FEE (

Useful Resources

A Brochure of Eco-Schools program in Jordan

A National Criteria of Eco-Schools Program in Jordan

المعايير الوطنية للبرنامج الدولي للمدارس البيئية

Green Key Program: For Hotels and Restaurants

The Green Key certificate is the leading standard for excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operation within the tourism industry.

This prestigious certificate represents a commitment by businesses that their premises adhere to the strict criteria set by the Foundation for Environmental Education.

A Green Key assures guests that, by choosing to stay with a Green Key establishment, they are helping make a difference for the environment.

The high environmental standards expected of these establishments are maintained through rigorous documentation and frequent audits. Green Key is eligible for hotels, hostels, small accommodations, campsites, holiday parks, conference centers, restaurants and attractions.

  • AFFORDABLE EXPERTISE The not-for-profit structure of Green Key ensures inclusivity for different types of establishments in the hospitality sector, both large and small.
  • GLOBAL REACH Green Key has grown steadily since its launch nearly 30 years ago, and today we are one of the largest eco-certification programmes for the hospitality industry worldwide.
  • COMPREHENSIVE CRITERIA Determined by the experts of Green Key’s International Steering Committee and reviewed every 4-5 years, Green Key’s criteria are internationally recognized as representing some of the highest sustainability standards in the global hospitality industry.

  • RIGOROUS CERTIFICATION PROCESS Green Key certification is always externally verified using third-party auditors or national juries.

  • HIGH QUALITY SERVICE & SUPPORT Establishments receive support in the form of positive dialogue, education and training for staff and other stakeholders, as well as sharing of best practices and experience.

  • CROSS-SECTOR RECOGNITION & COOPERATION The value of the Green Key certification is recognized by public and private sector stakeholders at both international and national levels. Such partnerships ensure that the Green Key criteria and certification process remain transparent and at the cutting-edge of sustainability in the hospitality sector.
Green Key categories

Green Key criteria has been developed for the following categories:

  • Hotels and hostels
  • Campsites and holiday parks
  • Small accommodations (B&Bs, eco-lodges, eco-farms, etc.)
  • Conference centers
  • Restaurants
  • Attractions (museums, visitor/interpretation centers and theme parks)
How to Apply

Do you want to register your Hotel or Restaurant for Green Key?

please contact the royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (, or FEE (

How to Apply

Do you want to register your school for Eco-Schools and get Green Flag certification? please contact the royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (, or FEE (

Useful Resources

Green Key Brochure

Green Key Flyer

Green Key Criteria

Hotels Classification Standards
Green Factory Award

The Energy and Environmental Sustainability Unit at the Jordan Chamber of Industry has launched the Green Factory Award, in cooperation with Green Action in enterprise Project to promote green activities in industrial facilities in Jordan.

A Green Factory can be defined as a factory whose manufacturing processes are environmentally friendly and do not negatively affect the surrounding environment and apply the principles of sustainability; where resources are used with high efficiency and the principles of energy efficiency and resource management are applied in addition to exploiting renewable and clean energy sources. The resulting solid and liquid waste is managed by reducing its quantities and applying the principles of reusing and recycling it. It also applies technologies that effectively contribute to reducing carbon emissions, and manages the quantities of water used by using it efficiently and treating waste from it or reusing it safely.

Goals of The Award
  • Appreciating leading industrial establishments in the field of resource efficiency in the fields of energy, water and environment.

  • Publishing success stories about green factories in the fields of resource management.

  • Raising awareness of industrial establishments about the importance of sustainable practices.

  • Setting national standards for industrial establishments; to be green factories capable of growing according to the principles of the green economy.

  • Keeping pace with global requirements in the fields of sustainability.

  • Enhancing export opportunities and increasing the competitiveness of Jordanian industries.

  • Encouraging factories to expand sustainable practices.
  • Raising consumer awareness about the best environmentally friendly industrial practices.

  • Highlighting the role of the industrial sector in the national commitment to reducing harmful emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change by applying sustainability standards.

  • Preparing a guide for industrial establishments to be a roadmap for factories to become green factories.
How to Participate
  1. Review the general terms and conditions for participating in the award.
  2. Log on to the official website of the Green Factory Award.
  3. Fill out the participation form and the questionnaire for the initial evaluation process.
  4. Wait for the official response indicating that the initial evaluation stage has been passed, if the technical conditions and standards are met.
  5. Send the required reinforcements for the final evaluation process.
  6. Wait for the announcement of the list of winning green factories.