
Kick-off “Building Back Better post COVID-19” Project.”

EDAMA Association and the British Embassy in Amman has officially kicked off the “Building Back Better post COVID-19” Project. This project aims at creating a waste management program for the contagious wastes that are being produced due to the pandemic, specifically the disposable masks and gloves. In parallel, the project will be focusing on encouraging behavioral changes that the community have adopted during the pandemic, and specifically the lockdown, that have created positive environmental impacts. The pilot scale waste management project will be implemented in an educational institutional and in a governmental entity, with room for expansion. The project would be the first step towards creating more resilience to not only the shock of the Corona Virus but any future shocks our society might encounter.

EDAMA’s Chairman, Dr. Dureid Mahasneh, emphasis on the urgency of responding to negative environmental impacts because of the pandemic but in turn also adapt our ways to creating more positive environmental impacts. Cooperation between EDAMA Association and The British Embassy have influence towards creating such changes in our day to day lives. Mr. John Walker, Second Secretary Political Economic, and Ms. Widad Menjra, Political Officer, showed the support of the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office to the development of this project in Jordan.