
Introduction to financing renewable energy projects in Jordan

EDAMA association ended its 3-day training workshop on 26 August 2019, Monday. The training course was customized for the Housing Bank of trade and finance, as concerned departments in the bank attended to ensure empowering them with the needed knowledge when it comes to financing renewable energy projects.

The course was a 15-hour training course, three experts in the field prepared and conducted it. There is a rising need to conduct such courses, as they introduce bankers to the terms and conditions that must be taken into consideration when studying the financing of RE projects in Jordan. those projects are seen as sensitive projects that need special attention in certain angels, such as the nature of these projects, the opportunities and challenges offered by investing in these projects. Furthermore, acknowledging the technical, legal, and commercial risks that are accompanied with these projects.

Moreover, discussing how to build a prosperous financial model for financing renewable energy projects in Jordan, and identifying proper key performance indicators for such projects