
EDAMA Association Launches A Training Program For Youth And Women in Mafarq

EDAMA Association launched the project of Increasing Employability of Jordanians and Syrian Refugees in Mafraq Governorate.  This project aims to build women and youth capacities in the green energy sector with the objective of increasing employability opportunities through training in PV module cleaning and site housekeeping. Through EDAMA as implementing body for this project the trainees will have the access to be linked with the private sector companies as services providers.  The project will focus on improving the technical competencies in the clean energy sector and creates an excellent employment opportunity for the beneficiaries.

Dr. Dureid Mahasneh, Chairman of EDAMA Association, stated: “This project is part of EDU-SYRIA scholarship program which is funded by the European Union through the regional trust fund “Madad” in response to the Syrian crisis”. The agency responsible for program management, administrative and financial implementation of the grant is the Dutch Organization for the internationalization of education (Nuffic). Giving the fact that EDAMA association is a Jordanian NGO; cultivates an environment where innovative solutions for energy and water independence and environmental conservation, it works on implementing the program in partnership with the vocational training centers in Mafraq Governorate, to provide the appropriate platform for the host community and reach them to achieve the targeted economic and social benefits from the project in addition to enhance the opportunities for long-term potential entrepreneurial projects.

Chairman Dr. Mahasneh added, “The project considers the provision of equal opportunities for women by selecting 50% of the trainees from females. 45 young men and women will be targeted in Mafraq Governorate, under the age of 28, who will get special training on Solar PV Module Cleaning, Site Housekeeping, HSE training, and Entrepreneurial skills.”