
EDAMA association issues a Position Paper; Recommendation for the Energy Sector Strategy

EDAMA association issues a Position Paper yesterday 16 November 2019, Saturday. The position paper entitled; Recommendations for the Energy Sector Strategy highlights the importance of having a strategic directive that supports enhancing the share of local energy generation in the total energy mix.

This will contribute to achieving the strategic pillars represented in (Security of supply, self-independency, diversification of resources, lowering cost).

EDAMA hereby suggest the following points to be considered in the strategic directive;

– Increase the electricity generation share from local resources.
– Increase the dependency of electricity on the total energy mix by adapting cross-sectoral electrification strategy.
– Increase dependence on renewable energy within the heating and industrial applications.
– Work on energy efficiency and energy saving, as a priority across all sectors.

Fulfilling those goals can be achieved through a series of suggestions explained in detail included in the recommendation paper. In addition to a supporting document around the importance of renewable energy in supporting the local economy.