Round Table Discussion_ Local Content Requirement- Round 3

EDAMA Association held a Round Table discussion on Round three – Local content Condition in the Renewable Energy projects. This event was employed to operate as a mediator between the private sector and involved governmental parties.  The discussion inaugurated exchanging thoughts on the possibility of applying this condition, taking into consideration the obstacles that might […]

Potential Incentives by (ASEZA) to Encourage Solid Waste Reduction in Hotels

On September 9th, 2018 EDAMA held an event entitled “The potential incentives proposed by Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) for the hotel industry in Aqaba to encourage solid waste reduction”. The event inaugurated a rich discussion between Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) and the concerned parties from the private sector in Aqaba such […]

General Assembly 2018

Abiding by the Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Environment , EDAMA Association held its annual General Assembly meeting On August 14th 2018, Tuesday. The meeting was held at EDAMA offices, hosting our members. Chairman of the board Dr. Duraid Mahasneh welcomed the guests and ensured that this Association’s processes are transparent. Following […]

EDAMA takes part of Jordan Build 2018

EDAMA Association took part in an exhibition entitled: Jordan Build 2018. The mentioned exhibition is being held in Amman International Motor Show until Thursday the 2ndof August. EDAMA team participated in this exhibition in order to highlight the significance of the role EDAMA plays as a non-governmental entity in the Green Sector of Jordan and to introduce […]

EDAMA’s CEO Moderates the Water Sector – Success Stories and Social Impact

EDAMA association had the honor to have taken part in one of the major conferences for the year 2018, held by one of our loyal members – the European Investment Bank (EIB)- as part of the EU bank’s economic resilience initiative. The conference covered topics such as high-impact investments for Economic Resilience, Water sector – Success stories […]

LENS Project Closing Event

EDAMA’s CEO Engineer Rund awwad takes a place on the discussion panel for the final CIPE-LENS closing event. The discussion panel highlights the efforts the CIPE-LENS program has invested in EDAMA specifically the importance of good governance and the development CIPE-LENS has assisted EDAMA in achieving. The event was held in the Landmark hotel on […]

Mining and nature conservation

أقامت جمعية إدامة للطاقة والمياه والبيئة إفطار العَمَل تحت عنوان “التعدين وحماية الطبيعة ” بدعم من شركة واحة آيلا للتطوير حيث افتتح الجلسة المهندس سهل دودين الشريك الإداري للشركة الذي ألقى الكلمة الترحيبية ونوه على أهمية التطرق لهذا الموضوع الوطني. واستضافت جمعية إدامة في حلقة الحوار كل من معالي المهندس خالد الإيراني رئيس مجلس إدارة […]

Launching of Introductory E-Course on Climate Change in Arabic

أقامت جمعية إدامة فعالية حفل إطلاق النسخة العربية من دورات التغير المناخي الإلكترونية المجانية التابعة لمنبر الأمم المتحدة الموحد للتدريب وبدعم من وزارة البيئة. وتعد هذه الدورة التدريبية الإلكترونية مقدمة في التغيّر المناخي والتي تم ترجمتها لأول مرة. ويمتاز الموقع الإلكتروني بخاصية منح المسجلين والمسجلات في البرنامج التدريبي الإلكتروني في نهايته على شهادات مصدّقة من […]

Exchange Students Visit EDAMA

EDAMA association was pleased to welcome a group of  exchange students visiting Jordan through School for international training  (SIT) Amman. Where EDAMA staff members were enthused to answer the students questions regarding significant matters , some of the  Main points that were discussed covered waste composting, hydroponics, recycling and upcycling in Jordan. It was our […]

Jordan’s Renewable Energy Financing

أكدت الدكتورة هايكة هارمجارت، المديرة الإقليمية لمنطقة شرق المتوسط في البنك الأوروبي لإعادة البناء والتنمية على أنّ مستقبل الطاقة المتجددة في الأردن مشرق وأن المرحلة القادمة تتطلب إعادة هيكلة شركة الكهرباء الوطنية لرفع كفاءتها التقنية والمالية،كما أكدت أنّ البنك الأوروبي يثق بأن الأردن سيبقى النموذج والرائد في الطاقة المتجددة في المنطقة. جاء ذلك في إفطار […]