EDAMA Power Breakfast – Green Energy & Safe Flyways

EDAMA association held its latest power breakfast event sponsored by “the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature”. On the discussion panel was H.E. Khaled Irani, Dr. Dureid Mahasneh EDAMA chairman as a moderator, Mr. Samer Judeh on behalf of Jordan Wind Project Company, Mr. Ibrahim Khader from BirdLife, and finally Mr. Yehya Khaled- General […]
Introduction to financing renewable energy projects in Jordan

EDAMA association ended its 3-day training workshop on 26 August 2019, Monday. The training course was customized for the Housing Bank of trade and finance, as concerned departments in the bank attended to ensure empowering them with the needed knowledge when it comes to financing renewable energy projects. The course was a 15-hour training course, […]
Waste Management Experience in Egypt

On 23 July 2019, Tuesday, we were happy to have hosted H.E. Dr. Laila Iskandar, from Eygpt. where Dr. Laila, shared Eygpt’s Waste management Experience. Dr. Laila, expressed the need to look closer into Solid Waste Management. Having equipment that will make the process easier is crucial yet, it is very important to pay attention […]
Italian Green Solution

EDAMA association had the honor of taking part of the Italian Green solutions B2B event, this event is organized by the Italian Trade Agency in Jordan in collaboration with EDAMA. Dr. Dureid Mahasneh chairman of the board spoke in the opening ceremony as he expressed the importance of these events as they do contribute to […]

The main goal behind this urgent round table meeting was to discuss the Energy Sector Strategy issued by MEMR.This call for the meeting was urgent in the light of the recent decision issued by MEMR, stating that there will be a tax fee for the storage of the excess electricity produced and stored.
Decentralized solar in Jordan Launching event

Under the patronage of H.E. Hala Zawati, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, EDAMA Association for Energy, Water and Environment, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Solar Power Europe collaborated to issue the “Decentralized solar in Jordan streamlining administrative procedures to maximize socio-economic benefits”. This paper was issued to improve administrative procedures for small- and medium-solar projects, also […]
Signing an MOU with Solar Power Europe

EDAMA association is proud to announce signing an MOU with Solar Power Europe. The MOU is meant to further enhance the cooperation between EDAMA and international entities around the world. Which will reveal new opportunities for the Jordanian market, and organizations in the energy, water and environmental sectors, to create partnerships and liaise with international […]
Iraqi Delegation

EDAMA Association collaborated with MEMR, to organize a meeting with the Iraqi delegation represented in the Ministry of Electricity. the main goal behind this meeting was to share the innovative Jordanian experience, regarding alternative energy, net metering, wheeling, and Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) in Jordan. The meeting was attended by EDAMA members who are key […]
Jo Build Exhibition

EDAMA association was proud to take part in the annual Jo build exhibition. for the year 2019, Jobuild covered a wider range of participants in the exhibition. the exhibition hosted; Construction and building materials suppliers and manufacturers, Contractors, property developers, and builders, Engineers, architects, and designers.Consultants and planners, Traders, importers, manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, Investors, Banking & financial institutions.Government authorities, Environmental organizations, Industry associations, […]
Avenues of Using Battery Systems in Emergency Relied and RE integration

EDAMA Association cooperated with Al Mustakbal clean tech, UNHCR, and Ikea foundation, to assist in organizing the third day of an enriching three-day workshop about ” Avenues of Using Battery Systems in Emergency Relied and RE integration “. The event inaugurated a welcoming speech and three presentations by world-class researchers and experts in the field. It was […]