EDAMA Association Launches “SIRCLES project: Support Circular Economy Opportunities for Employment and Social Inclusion.” in Aqaba, Jordan.

On the 23rd of June 2021 EDAMA Association for Energy, Water and Environment had officially launched SIRCLES Project: Supporting Circular Economy Opportunities for Employment and Social Inclusion” Funded from EU through the ENI CBC MED Programme. The kick-off meeting was held in Aqaba Governorate in cooperation with Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) with a very […]

EDAMA participates in the virtual meeting of representatives of the EBRD.

During his virtual visit to Jordan The Board of Directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development discusses with civil society institutions several aspects, the most prominent of which are Governance, Economic Inclusion, and Climate Change. Dr. Duraid Al Mahasneh, Chairman of the EDAMA Association for Energy, Water, and Environment, indicated during his intervention that […]

SIRCLES 2nd Steering Committee meeting

Despite the COVID-19 is affecting our lives and the opportunity to physically meet, on 10th February 2022 the SIRCLES project’s partners met virtually for the 2nd Steering Committee meeting which was an opportunity to state the progress of the project ongoing activities. It was hosted by project’s partners following a rotatory approach, with the instructions […]

جلسة نقاشية حول تخزين الطاقة في الاردن

عقدت جمعية إدامة جلسة نقاشية عبر تكنولوجيا الاتصال المرئي حول تخزين الطاقة والتحديات والفرص المرتبطة بها ، واستضافت عدد من المختصين المحليين والعالميين لمناقشة اهمية انظمة التخزين ودورها في زيادة نسبة الطاقة المتجددة وتعزيز استقرارية الشبكة ودور الاطر التشريعية وآليات التمويل في المساهمة في انتشارها. رحب د. دريد محاسنة بالمتحدثين والحضور وأشار الى أن إدامة […]

WEBINAR: Jordan’s Economy Electrification via Digitalization

HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, President of the Royal Scientific Society enriched our Webinar in cooperation with intaj ICT entitled: Jordan’s Economy Electrification via Digitalization with a detailed presentation showcasing the renewable energy sector and how it intersects with digitization. The webinar was attended by around 300 participants from the ICT and energy, water […]

Power Breakfast The Norwegian Experience in Renewable Energy & Environment

جمعية إدامة تستضيف  الوفد النرويجي   عقدت جمعية إدامة للطاقة و المياه و البيئة و بالتعاون مع الوفد النرويجي  القادم الى الأردن كجزء من الزيارة الملكية النرويجية إفطار الطاقة تحت عنوان “التجربة النرويجية في مجال الطاقة المتجددة و البيئة” وذلك يوم الثلاثاء 3 أذار 2020. خلال اللقاء قدمت الشركات النرويجية تعريف عن اهم المشاريع المنجزة […]

Future of Natural Reserve in the Context of Sustainable Development

جمعية إدامة تناقش المحميات الطبيعية ودورها في التنمية المستدامة في الاردن عقدت جمعية إدامة للطاقة والمياه والبيئة إفطار الطاقة بعنوان “المحميات الطبيعية في سياق التنمية المستدامة” بالتعاون مع الجمعية الملكية لحماية الطبيعة والوكالة الالمانية للتنمية، حيث دار النقاش حول أهمية المحميات الطبيعية في الاردن واهم الأطر التشريعية التي يجب تفعيلها للحرص على إستدامة وحماية التنوع […]

Kick-off “Building Back Better post COVID-19” Project.”

EDAMA Association and the British Embassy in Amman has officially kicked off the “Building Back Better post COVID-19” Project. This project aims at creating a waste management program for the contagious wastes that are being produced due to the pandemic, specifically the disposable masks and gloves. In parallel, the project will be focusing on encouraging […]

EDAMA association issues a Position Paper; Recommendation for the Energy Sector Strategy

EDAMA association issues a Position Paper yesterday 16 November 2019, Saturday. The position paper entitled; Recommendations for the Energy Sector Strategy highlights the importance of having a strategic directive that supports enhancing the share of local energy generation in the total energy mix. This will contribute to achieving the strategic pillars represented in (Security of […]

Power Breakfast – Women in Renewable Energy

EDAMA Power Breakfast – Women in Renewable Energy launching event- CanadaEDAMA had the pleasure of taking part of the women in renewable energy association – Canada, launching. Which took place in Jordan, we held our latest power breakfast to serve this cause, furthermore, EDAMA signed an MOU with WiRE to show the intent and the […]