
تعاونت إدامة مع الجمعية الملكية لحماية الطبيعة بالإضافة الى غرفة التجارة الأمريكية و السفارة البريطانية و وزارة البيئة الأردنية لإقامة فعالية WALK2COP27 المبادرة التي من أجلها اشراك المجتمع في عملية الحد من أخطار التغير المناخي على البيئة . تأتي هذه المبادرة كجزء من تحضيرات المنطقة لمؤتمر التغير المناخي العالمي ال COP27 وتشجع المبادرة، التي حضرها […]
Power Breakfast: Jordan: Advancing towards COP 27

EDAMA Association for energy water, and environment, AmCham-Jordan and GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer protection collaborated to hold a power breakfast entitled; Jordan’s: Advancing towards COP27 on 22 September 2022, Thursday. This event was sponsored by Bank Al Etihad and The Royal Jordanian. […]
Smart Meters | Workshop

EDAMA, Jordan Association for Engineers, and The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)organized a workshop discussing smart meters. There is a rising need for a national plan to replace all regular meters with smart meters. It has been proven that smart meters have had a positive and noticeable impact on reducing electricity consumption. This workshop […]
Round Table: Nanomaterial Discovery as a tool for innovation

Nanomaterial Discovery as a tool for innovation Wednesday, October 5th, 2022, in collaboration with the Royal Scientific Society EDAMA held a round table discussion to introduce new water and energy technologies. Mr. Kyle Cordova the Executive Director of Scientific Research Sector and Senior Assistant to the president of Scientific Affairs introduced the delivery of Clean, […]
Power Breakfast – Jordan’s Economic Vision (Sustainable Resources Perspective)

First training course of the PV Modules Cleaning and site housekeeping

The first training course of the PV Modules Cleaning and site housekeeping was launched On December 26, 2021. The training course is within the “Increasing Employability of Jordanians and Syrian refugees in Mafraq Governorate” project, which aims to build the capacities of women and youth in the green energy sector and increase employability opportunities. The […]
National Water Committee meetings

Part of the National Water Committee meetings, led by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of EDAMA Association, Dr. Dureid Mahasneh, includes experts in the water and environment sectors. This committee comes within the framework of cooperation between EDAMA Association and the Jordanian Strategy Forum to develop the road map in water security and […]
Operation and management of community composting sites Training in Sort, Spain

As EDAMA is a partner in SIRCLES Project” Supporting Circular Economy Opportunities for Employment and Social Inclusion” funded by the EU through the ENI CBC MED programme, EDAMA participated in “The technical training course in the operation and management of community composting sites” that was held in Sort, Spain with the participation of all SIRCLES […]
EDAMA Association Launches A Training Program For Youth And Women in Mafarq

EDAMA Association launched the project of Increasing Employability of Jordanians and Syrian Refugees in Mafraq Governorate. This project aims to build women and youth capacities in the green energy sector with the objective of increasing employability opportunities through training in PV module cleaning and site housekeeping. Through EDAMA as implementing body for this project the […]
Workshop and Training on “Energy Storage Systems, Digitization, and Innovation in Energy Sector”

On the 12th and 13th September,2021 EDAMA Association held a workshop on “Storage Systems, Digitization and Innovation in Energy Sector” in cooperation with the Jordanian-German Energy Partnership Program. This workshop is part of the “Boosting Renewable Energy Build Up as contributor to Jordan’s post COVID19 Recovery” project that EDAMA is implementing with the funding support of the German Corporation for International […]