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Membership Benefits

EDAMA is your voice in Jordan. We represent your concerns and needs and work closely with the public sector to bring a positive change and create a conducive environment for your company to flourish and be more competitive.

EDAMA is your platform on how to best link your corporate strategies with the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and discuss further sessions to be tailored to your own needs.

EDAMA hosts the only Power Breakfast networking event which allows our members to meet key players in the sector, not only from Jordan, but from all around the world, while discussing hot topics on sustainable development Energy and Water. Claim 2 free entries to the Power Breakfasts that will be held after you become an EDAMA member.

EDAMA Customizes trainings according to your specific needs & market demands, and receive early notifications on internationally certified courses.

EDAMA continuously features your company and its success stories through our social media platforms, website and newsletters.

EDAMA helps you transform one of Jordan’s under privileged villages to an Eco-Village through channeling your CSR funds towards clean tech solutions that help communities and sustain environment.

EDAMA Members receive discounts on registration and exhibiting at the industry’s Expos and events in which EDAMA is part of. You may also have the opportunity to represent EDAMA as a speaker/moderator at these events.

EDAMA is your platform to give back to the environment. Together we can shape activities through which your company and staff can demonstrate their environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

Apply for membership

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Corporate Category
Corporate Specialty:
Membership Type
The membership type depends on the scale and size of the corporation. Please check ONE of the following:
Jordanian Companies (copy)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
  • Please attach a copy of the company registration certificate.
Payment Method
Check the following
  • Please make sure that the Name of Corporation/Organization as stated in registration certificate