عن مركز إعادة التدوير

The recycling hub is a key platforms that enables users to find, access, use/ re-use and share knowledge on recycling and waste management.


It provides users with accurate, up-to-date, and easily accessible resources that empower them to make informed decisions and take meaningful action towards sustainable recycling and waste management practices.

The recycling hub is a ‘smart store’ for the full text and metadata of the knowledge thereby allowing a ‘deposit once and use everywhere’ approach to managing the information assets.

The online repository holds a wide range of materials and knowledge products in different forms and formats.

It provides quick and easy access to various resources to commercial sector and to a wider recycling community, offering at the same time the opportunity to share with external audiences, the internally produced and synthesized materials, technologies, and tools.

USAID Recycling in Jordan Activity - JRA: Background

The Recycling in Jordan Activity (JRA) is a USAID funded project that uses a market systems approach to increase commercial sector utilization of recycling services in Amman. The Activity works closely with private recycling firms, the commercial sector, the Ministry of Environment (MOENV), and the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) to increase the competitiveness of the recycling through strengthening market linkages and improving the enabling environment.

JRA developed with EDAMA this Recycling Hub that directly links all stakeholders in the commercial and provides a repository of knowledge, information, recommendations, and tools on recycling and waste management. The hub is hosting all content, literature, tools, and activities introduced by JRA, such as the Directory of Recycling Service Providers, Waste Management Planning Guidelines and templates, the Recycling and Waste Management Guide for Facilities, and the recycling training programs material, allowing it to be accessed by the public.

The Recycling Hub has the following main objectives:
  • Facilitate timely and open access to recycling and waste management information and literature, by ensuring that key documents and information is available and accessible to all stakeholders.

  • Provide a long-term preservation of resources and provide perpetual access, re-use, generation, and dissemination of knowledge.

  • To bring knowledge to people who can use and apply it, to contribute to greater demand for and utilization of recycling services within commercial sectors.

  • To be a preferred point of reference on recycling and waste management literature, activities, and information in Jordan.

  • Link waste generators with waste management service providers and recyclers.

  • Provide access to knowledge on relevant policies and regulations.

  • Provide access to learning and awareness materials related to 3R’s, solid waste recycling, and waste management.