الأردن و COP28

الأردن و COP28

Jordan positions according to COPs pillars:

Pillar 1  Fasttracking the transition to clean energy

 Jordan is a small GHG emitter globally
 Jordan issued its updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in October 2021, raising its ambition to 31% Green House Gas (GHG) reduction by 2030.
 Jordan is making strides in renewable energy (RE), targeting 35% of electricity from renewables by 2030, up from 27% in 2022, with an ambition to reach 50%.
 Jordan is developing the Long-Term Low Carbon and Climate Resilience Strategy (LTS) that will cover the entire economy.

Pillar 2 Fixing climate finance for COP28 and beyond

 Jordan issued its updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) with a total cost estimation of USD 7.54 billion of its conditional reduction target (26% out of 31%) upon receiving international finance.
 The Central Bank of Jordan’s Strategy for Greening the Financial Sector.
 Jordan has issued the Green Bond Guidelines.
 Jordan’s Climate Investment Mobilization Plan (issued in 2022) prioritizes climate-responsive projects to engage the private sector.
 Jordan has also advanced a number of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and mega investments.

Pillar 3  Adaptation to protect lives and livelihoods

 Jordan launched its Climate Change Policy (CC-Policy) (2022-2050) towards a climate-resilient country, with a focus on priority sectors to increase the countries and community’s resilience.
 development and operationalization of the global Climate–Refugee Nexus initiative launched by Jordan during COP27.
 Marine Biodiversity Conservation in Aqaba.
 Launched the second version of the National Strategy for Reducing the Risks of natural Disasters (DRR Strategy 2022-2030).
 Building the Framework for the Monitoring, reporting, and Learning (MRL) system.

Pillar 4  Full inclusivity from wider society

• Jordan is collaborating regionally and globally as a signatory to many international conventions including the UNFCCC, Kyoto protocol, and Paris agreement.

• Jordan is an active member in many regional climate change-related efforts, including co-chairing, in partnership with the EU, the union for the Mediterranean (UFM) climate and environment agenda, the government of cypris initiative on climate action in the east Mediterranean and the middle east region, and the prince Charles sustainable market initiative (SMI).

• Jordan has and will express these positions clearly in several international forums.

Source: ministry of environment shared document on 18th September 2023.