
Al-Fayez sponsors the launching of the composting pilot project in Aqaba

H.E. Mr. Nayef Al-Fayez Chief commissioner of Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) patronized the launch of the first composting plant in Aqaba organized and implemented by EDAMA for energy, water, and environment this is to announce the official beginning of receiving organic and green waste on site and processing it to produce organic fertilizers.

This site is a partnership between EDAMA and ASEZA funded by the European Union “ENI CBC Med” program for cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean.

In a speech during the ceremony, Dr. Duraid Mahasneh emphasized “that it is imperative to conduct similar projects which contribute to reducing harmful gas emissions. EDAMA envisions environmental challenges as opportunities to create green jobs and reap many socio-economic benefits presented to Jordan by addressing these problems.”

For his part, the Executive Director of Ayla Oasis Development Company Engineer Sahel Dudin, “stressed the importance of supporting the green transition in the Kingdom which has become a global approach in light of the risks of climate change. Pointing to the pivotal role played by Ayla as a sustainable project in protecting the environment which culminated in high-level local and international recognition for its efforts to preserve natural resources, a pollution-free environment, attention to public health and social responsibility programs that pay great attention to sustainability and environmental awareness”.

EDAMA General Manager- Mr. Anwar El-Halah along with SIRCLE’s technical consultant Engineer Ahmad Al Nobani presented a summary of the project and its stages, pointing out the significance of recycling organic and green waste while producing organic fertilizers, with an emphasis on the expected returns from the project that benefit the region on the long run.

The launch inaugurated a meeting with NEETs who were appointed to work on the facility after undergoing a series of extensive trainings during the previous year, to share their experiences in the project and its benefit to the region as well as the need to enhance environmental awareness, in the field of waste in particular.

It is worth noting that SIRCLES has been operating since February 20221 in Aqaba, when 38 young men and women from the NEETs group were carefully filtered and selected to be trained to acquire technical knowledge, in addition to soft skills and entrepreneurial skills. During the training period NEETs also learned proper reporting according to EU standards – project reporting and how to apply for grants-.

The organic fertilizer station is equipped with specialized equipment according to international standards to produce organic fertilizers and contributes to providing job opportunities for young people in the green sector. SIRCLES is a fruitful cooperation between several countries in the Mediterranean region whereas composting pilot projects are being implemented in Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Italy, Spain, Tunisia, and Greece, with the aim of promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and providing NEETS with employment opportunities, education, training, and employable skills.