
EDAMA and Recycling in Jordan Activity Sign a Joint Action Plan to Raise Awareness on Recycling in Jordan

Amman, Jordan – June 03, 2024 – Chemonics International Inc., the prime contractor for the USAID-funded Recycling in Jordan project, and EDAMA Association have officially signed a Joint Action Plan (JAP) to advance recycling efforts within Amman’s commercial sector. The signing ceremony, held today, marks a significant step towards fostering sustainable recycling practices and enhancing environmental conservation in Jordan.

The JAP, signed by Mr. Maher Hamdan, Chief of Party at Chemonics International, and Mr. Imad Zureikat, General Manager of EDAMA Association, outlines a collaborative framework to build capacity, raise awareness, and transfer essential knowledge and tools on recycling. This partnership is designed to ensure the sustainability and expansion of recycling practices among Jordan’s commercial and industrial sectors.

The JAP aims to create a robust recycling ecosystem within Amman’s commercial sector by leveraging the combined expertise and resources of both organizations. The plan focuses on promoting recycling, improving market demand for recycling services, and contributing to a greener Jordan. Through targeted campaigns, educational programs, and the establishment of a comprehensive recycling knowledge hub, the partnership seeks to drive significant improvements in recycling awareness and practices.f

Key objectives of the JAP include:

·Increasing Awareness and Knowledge: Implementing targeted campaigns to educate the commercial sector about the benefits and practices of recycling.

· Strengthening Linkages: Enhancing connections between commercial entities and recycling service providers to foster a competitive recycling market.

· Ensuring Sustainability: Creating a recycling knowledge hub and providing ongoing support to ensure the long-term adoption of recycling practices.

The JAP will be effective from May 15, 2024, to December 31, 2024, during which both parties will engage in various activities, including social media campaigns, training programs, and the establishment of an online recycling knowledge hub.