
Smart meters roll out in Jordan

Thursday, 10 November 2022 EDAMA for Energy, Water & Environment held an online Public Private Dialogue (PPD) entitled; Smart meters roll out in Jordan. The discussion panel hosted stakeholders from the Electricity Distribution company, The Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources, The Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission, Telecommunications, The Telecommunication Regulatory Commission finally the Private Sector-Energy.

This PPD was held to create awareness on what smart meters are and how they will contribute to a greener Jordan, not to mention the benefits Smart meters will have on Jordan’s economy as it will have socio-economic returns. The online event came as part of a series of other dialogues that took place earlier in 2022 in hopes of creating a dialogue among concerned parties as well as home and business owners as part of EDAMA ongoing project with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) addressing opportunities and challenges in the road of Smart meters in Jordan.

According to governmental officials, Jordan will have a 100% smart meter rate by the end of 2025. As many stakeholders from telecommunication companies, as well as the private sector believe that this is a goal that requires careful revision to ensure that we have realistic expectations although it is possible yet we need to witness actual laws and regulations that will transform this goal into reality.  On the other hand, it is believed that smart meters becoming a widespread reality in Jordan must be heavily funded by concerned parties, it needs a clear legislative infrastructure and most importantly unified efforts among stakeholders regulated by incentives and an enabling environment

EDAMA, will be pushing forward to conduct more high-level roundtable discussions in hopes of witnessing a drastic change thriving towards a Jordanian Independent Green Economy.