
Power Breakfast: Jordan: Advancing towards COP 27

EDAMA Association for energy water, and environment, AmCham-Jordan and GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer protection collaborated to hold a power breakfast entitled; Jordan’s: Advancing towards COP27 on 22 September 2022, Thursday. This event was sponsored by Bank Al Etihad and The Royal Jordanian.

Mr. Samer S. Judeh – AmCham chairman and EDAMA board member welcomed the audience. The panel discussion hosted H.E. Muawieh Radaideh – Minister of Environment, and Mr. Najib Saab- the secretary general of the Arab Forum for environment and development and moderated by Dr. Dureid Mahasneh – EDAMA Chairman of the board.

H.E. Minister of Environment – Muawieh Radaideh revealed to us more about Jordan’s preparations for the upcoming COP27 – which will be held in Sharm Al-Sheik in November. Additionally, Dr. Najeeb Saab who shared facts about climate change around the world and the challenges the MENA region is facing due to these changes. as well as, highlighting means to capitalize on the COP27’s conference’s outcomes and the best utilization for the financial support the countries in the area will be receiving. Finally, following action items that will transform discussions into action.