
Signing an MOU with Solar Power Europe

EDAMA association is proud to announce signing an MOU with Solar Power Europe. The MOU is meant to further enhance the cooperation between EDAMA and international entities around the world. Which will reveal new opportunities for the Jordanian market, and organizations in the energy, water and environmental sectors, to create partnerships and liaise with international organization, in addition to share experiences.

“This Strategic partnership comes as part of a series of partnerships initiated by EDAMA. The main goal behind it is to ensure an active exchange of expertise, furthermore, shed the light on previous prosperous experiences around the world. We are delighted to have signed this MOU, Solar Power Europe is well known as a pioneer entity in this field. Not to mention that this partnership initiated the ” Decentralized Solar in Jordan Streamlining Administrative Procedures to Maximize Socio-economic Benefits” study. We aspire that it will contribute to the enhancement of business opportunities for both association’s members”
Dr. Dureid Mahasneh – EDAMA Chairman of the board.